Time is Money
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  • ISBN/ASIN: 9781516303915
  • Language: English
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Time is Money

A Simple System To Cure Procrastination Without Willpower, Become More Productive, Find Your Focus & Get More Done In Less Time!
Aiden Nolan

Do you have a procrastination problem? Do you ever wonder whats “wrong” with you? Ever wonder why you just don’t seem to have the willpower needed to get things done?
In Time Is Money, you get a step-by-step system to accomplish your goals with the need of willpower. You’ll be able to have fun, build unstoppable motivation and even break lazy habits that are holding you back. You’ll learn how to develop habits correctly by following the “Three R’s”.
What will you learn? Well here’s a preview…
• The 4 Reasons why you procrastinate and how to solve them
• How to increase your energy by creating habits that stick
• The 4 mistakes people make when setting goals
• How to increase your “focus muscle” and get more things done in less time
• What to do when you’re feeling overwhelmed
• How to overcome the fear of failure thats preventing you from making progress
Don’t hesitate to pick up your copy today by clicking the BUY NOW button at the top of this page!
P.S. If you’re a procrastinator don’t delay this purchase. The information in this book will help you transform your life!


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About the Author

Hi, Alex Altman here...
I wanted to take a minute and introduce myself.
I'm not afraid to speak my mind and at times I use some harsh and candid language! I will challenge your beliefs and make you question much of what you previously thought true about sexuality, for both men and women.
But if you go in with an open-mind while reading my books -- you will become a better at everything you do.


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Have you ever wondered why you've never been able to FINISH everything you wished to accomplish?

And, have you ever had a really great idea, with every intention to act on it, but it just always seems to fall by the wayside? Almost everyone I've ever known has had this happen to them.

Have you ever tried to build a habit but failed over-and-over again? When you sit down to try to work on something do you find you're unfocused and frequently distracted?

If you said yes to any of those questions, please don't beat yourself up. If you believe yourself to be a procrastinator, you're not the only one out there, even though it might feel that way at times.

I'm going to tell you:

Procrastination isn't your fault.

It happens because of the way the brain is hard-wired.

That's right, you're literally hard-wired to put things off until the last minute, or never even do it at all.

When I was procrastinating, I believed I never really had any free time. In reality, I was spending my time worrying about all the things I need to do, that I wasn't doing and I was doing unproductive activities that didn't benefit my life in anyway.

What would your life be like if you were free of procrastination?

More money?

More freedom?

More choices?

More control?

Less stress and worry?

Higher self-esteem?

In this book, I'm going to talk about why procrastination happens to begin with and handle the myths regarding procrastination:

Why you procrastinate

What stops you from doing the things you want too

What you can do to actually get rid of procrastination

Unfortunately, 99% of the solutions you see out there, are really unproductive. In fact, some can even be counter-productive to helping you eliminate your procrastination. If you try one of the solutions available, and it fails. It creates a negative feedback loop in your brain, only making your procrastination problem worse.

The Difference Between You & Successful People

The truth is there's very little difference between those that are very successful and you. Let's imagine for a moment that people are cars. And, successful people are a Lamborghini that can elegantly drive down the road effortlessly. The truth is that anyone is capable of doing that, even if you feel like you're struggling to operate at 15 mph (or if you've broken down and can't start). The truth is that you ARE a Lamborghini, the only thing you're missing is the air in the tires.

Once you understand how to break through procrastination, you'll be racing down the road. There's nothing inherently wrong with you, you're not broken. All you need is to be shown how to increase your capacity, and that's what this book is all about.

Scientific Reason Why You Procrastinate

I'm going to keep this really basic because I find using too many medical or technical terms can bore people and make them procrastinate.

When you think of your brain, most people think of only one brain. When really, you have three brains, they're just stacked on top of each other.

Thinking (Primate brain)

Middle (Mammal brain)

Brain Stem (Reptile brain)


This part of the brain is responsible for our survival instincts, just at a very primitive level. This is the part of your brain that is responsible for all things unconscious, keeping your heart pumping blood, lungs functioning, ect. Your brain stem, being the most primitive part of the brain, isn't very wise and is what gets you into a lot of trouble.

The brain stem only recognizes information coming in as one of four categories, also called the four F's:

1. Food: Something to eat.

2. Fight: To fight something.

3. Flight: Run away or hide.

            4. F*ck: To procreate.


The middle brain is responsible for our emotions. The middle brain can only perceive information as pain or pleasure.

1. Pain: Avoid that thing at all costs

2. Pleasure: This feels good, give me more

What's important to note about your middle brain is that if you're not careful, it sets off an alarm that has a HUGE effect on your nervous system. It's called the amygdala, this is the caveman brain. This so-called alarm was designed to alert us of potential danger. That way, when the alarm goes off, you get out there and quick! Just imagine a caveman being attacked by an animal. Ring, ring, ring!

There is nothing rational about this alarm. This is an instant response that is automatic. If you were a child and got your hand a little too close to the fireplace and burnt yourself, you'd quickly pull your hand away. This is a response that tells you, "If you feel that sensation, pull your hand away immediately!"

The problem we face in the 21st century is that we really don't have much need for this alarm anymore. Sure, there are certain situations it comes in handy, but for the more part, it actually hinders our progression. This alarm can't tell the different between a caveman being attacked and you having to finish a project for a deadline. The alarm can be set off by something really simple things like vacuuming the house, having to exercise, or doing any activity that you don't feel confident in.

There's nothing logical about it, but it's linked to danger. Which unfortunately, is the majority of activities we're not able to accomplish. You really don't need an intellectual understanding of why this happens for this system to rid you of your procrastination. It's just good to have an understanding as to why you do what you do.

If you're procrastinating on anything, putting anything off, it means your alarm has been set off.

How this shows up in the body is always physical, but you might not recognize it anymore because you've been suppressing that feeling for many years. It's usually an anxious feeling, something in the pit of your stomach, tightness in your chest or a lump in your throat. It doesn't matter where you're experiencing the sensations, it's just the physiology of fear that leads to procrastination.

Fear is what makes you procrastinate.

When people procrastinate long enough they start to believe that there's something wrong with them. We feel really bad, talk badly to ourselves, we don't understand why we can't achieve our goals, no matter how hard we try. We feel stuck.

There is nothing wrong with you.

All that's happened is you set out to do something and you set off the alarm that linked a certain behavior to danger. As I mentioned, there are times when you feel nothing. The way you know the alarm has been set off is because you're spinning your wheels not going anywhere. No big deal, I'm going to show you how to work around this.


This is where our rational mind sits, it's the largest part of the brain. This is where the higher brain functions such as thought and action are performed. Thinking, learning, analyzing, deciding, criticizing and judging. This is the part of the brain that separates us from all the other animals on this planet. This is where our ego hides and where our self-identity is.

The problem is a result of random information that goes through your primal processes. Your brain processes information with the Reptilian and Mammal brain before it reaches the Rational part of your brain. This cause problems in the modern World for many individuals. However, there's a way to reprogram your brain through neuroplasticity and developing awareness of your negative emotions.

Getting back to your reptile brain. When a specific situation occurs your brain recalls a past related experience. If it's a negative past experience an your brain tries to protect you by causing you to feel physically uncomfortable (Anger, anxiety, fear, or sadness). Once your alarm has been set off, it's impossible for your thinking brain to "out think" the alarm, or communicate with the middle brain, to tell it there's no real danger. Think of a time when you might have had a lot of drive and motivation to do something for a few days, then all of the sudden it's as though someone threw the brakes on, and you started avoiding the activity or behaviour.

This is because your thinking brain was taken over by your other two brains. I'm going to explain to you how to get rid of your procrastination problems. I guarantee you, you'll never procrastinate again!


List the areas of your life and the things in those areas that you've been putting things off that you'd like to stop procrastinating on.

Choose one thing that you want to stop procrastinating on and list at least three reasons why you want this thing.

Copyright: Pink Villain Publishing, LLC
