The Power of Prayer (Channeling Brain Waves Through Dhikr)
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The Power of Prayer (Channeling Brain Waves Through Dhikr)

Ahmed Hulusi

“Prayer is the weapon of a believer.” - Muhammad (saw)
Prayer is the act of actualizing one’s wants through the divine powers present within. There is of course a scientific explanation to this act. Essentially prayer is ‘guided brain waves.’ Just as the dimension of knowledge transforms into energy and the quantum field to form the universe, the wants and desires of consciousness emanate from the dimension of knowledge to reveal themselves as the wants and desires of man and become actualized through the densification of guided brain waves. Due to this, the stronger the concentration level, the faster the response will be to the prayer.
“And he who turns away from My dhikr (the absolute reality of which I have reminded him), indeed, he will have a restricted life (limited by the conditions of his body and mind), and We will resurrect him as blind in the period of Doomsday.” Quran 20:124
Since only a very small percentage of the brain is employed while a large part of brain capacity remains unused, dhikr allows the activation of this larger percentage.
The bio-electrical energy produced in specific regions in the brain via dhikr spreads to other regions and activates the dormant cells thereby increasing brain activity. Whatever the dhikr is about, the frequency corresponding to that meaning is emanated to the cells and thus brain capacity relevant to that particular meaning is increased.


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About the Author

Dear Reader,
Many have asked, who is Ahmed Hulusi, what is his mission?
Ahmed Hulusi was born on the 21st of January 1945, in Cerrahpasa, Istanbul, and was named Ahmed by his mother, and Hulusi by his father.
He spent the first 18 years of his life without any prior religious knowledge, believing only in 'a Creator'. As every time Ahmed Hulusi inquired about religion he was told "do not question, just do as you are told" he lived a seemingly 'irreligious' life according to his environment.
Three days after his father's death, on the 10th of September 1963, unable to decline his mother's wish, he attended Friday prayer, where he felt an immense inspiration and desire to understand the reality of religion. That same day he decided to always keep in a state of ablution and committed to performing the prescribed daily prayers (salat).
He commenced his religious education by studying the eleven volumes of Sahih Bukhari, published by the Turkish Directorate for Religious Affairs, the whole of the al-Kutub al-Sittah, and the most authentic Turkish translation of the Quran by the late Elmalili, one of Turkey's most eminent Quran scholars.
He then spent two years undertaking intense studies of the modern sciences. This exceptionally diligent period of education was then followed by an interval of intensive spiritual diets and retreats, leading him in 1965 to write his first book "Reflections" (Tecelliyat). This book holds an important place for Ahmed Hulusi as it is a conglomeration of his views and theological evaluations at the youthful age of 21.
In 1965 he took a solitary journey, as with all his endeavors, to fulfill his pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj).
His principle has always been "Do not be a blind follower of anyone! In the light of Muhammad SAW's teachings, choose and walk your own path in life independently!"
In 1970, when he was working for the Aksam newspaper of Turkey, he began researching the topic of spirits and the evoking of spirits, and published Turkey's first and only book in this field, "Spirit, Man, Jinn" (Ruh Insan Cin).
After discovering that the phrases in the Quran "smokeless fire" and "fire that inhabits the pores" are actually references made to "radial energy", Ahmed Hulusi began to further his research to decipher the teachings of the Quran in the light of science, and shared his findings in his book "The Mysteries of Man" (Insan ve Sirlari) in 1985.
Continuing to integrate the truths in the Quran with the contemporary sciences, Ahmed Hulusi established his understanding of religion on the foundation of the System and Order denoted by the One named Allah, and committed himself to "reading" the reality disclosed by Muhammad SAW, sharing his findings through his writings and the Internet.
Ahmed Hulusi, who has not only read and studied the aforementioned preeminent collections of Islamic Law, but who has also evaluated the works of many renowned Sufi saints and scholars, synthesizes his findings with scientific truths and presents them as an integrated system of rational reality. Ahmed Hulusi strongly believes that people should be evaluated according to their ideas rather than their personalities, and asserts that Muhammad SAW is the best example of this.
While, simple-minded people spend their lives busying themselves spreading rumors about 'personalities', he claims, developed minds engage with data resulting from ideas and thought processes.
In order to refrain from self-promotion, he has not put his surname on any of the books he has written over the last 40 years. He does not claim to be a guru or a teacher to anybody; on the contrary, he chooses to have very little contact with people despite the large demand and interest he receives.
He was forced to put his photos on his books after a few imposters claimed to be "Ahmed Hulusi," gathering and exploiting large crowds of people in the Anatolia region of Turkey.
Ahmed Hulusi, who always held an authentic press card, has never been occupied in a field of profession other than journalism. He has never been a member of any political, social or religious organization, foundation or establishment of any sort. He has spent his lifetime researching Islamic mysticism, or Sufism, and the modern sciences. He is also the first author to offer all his works, including his entire collection of books, writings, and video conferences absolutely free, fully downloadable from his Internet site.
All of his views and ideas are offered without any expectation of material gain.
Due to the February 28, 1997, "postmodern coup" in Turkey, Ahmed Hulusi and his wife Cemile moved to London, where they lived for a year, before settling in the USA, where he still resides today.
Ahmed Hulusi who prefers to live a relatively reclusive life in his small town, recommends that people re-evaluate the original teachings of Muhammad SAW and the Quran in the light of science, without depending on an intermediator.
According to Ahmed Hulusi, in respect of the System disclosed by Muhammad SAW, religious "positions" cannot exist. Every individual has the right to, and is obliged to directly interact with the teachings of Allah through Muhammad SAW and shape their lives accordingly.
Ahmed Hulusi claims, the only person one must follow is Muhammad SAW, as everyone else has a consultative role. He believes people are only accountable of the knowledge imparted by Muhammad SAW and the Quran; as all other views are "relative" and non-binding.
Due to this, Ahmed Hulusi does not encourage anyone to become his 'follower'. He advises people that they should question his teachings and do their own research. He says "don't believe me, find and verify the truth for yourself!"
Ahmed Hulusi is an Islamic intellectualist who tries to share his thoughts with those who have an intellectual and inquisitive mind!
All his works can be accessed and downloaded at the following sites:
Finally... It is important to remember that each person's understanding is according to his or her knowledge base.
Try and evaluate these books with your own minds.
Be concerned about the writings, not the writer.
Duly examine these truths that are complimentarily shared with you.
I hope these books, that are based on the truths of Allah and the System (sunnatullah) and that have the potential to give direction to one's eternal life, will open up new horizons for you.
