Principles of Practical Psychology
  • Digital List Price: USD 1.99
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  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Erik A. Lenderman

Principles of Practical Psychology

A Brief Review of Philosophy, Psychology, and Neuroscience for Self-Inquiry and Self-Regulation
Erik Lenderman

This is designed to provide the reader with a brief review of philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience for self-inquiry and self-regulation. This work ranges from Socrates to Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, the Medieval Ages of Europe, the Renaissance, Machiavelli, Locke, Rousseau, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Hegel, Popper, and Whitehead.
This will also review the origin of the field of 20th century psychology, which includes Freud, Jung, Reich, Assagioli, Pavlov, Skinner, Rogers, Maslow, Gardner, Piaget, Wilber, and others. The practical applications will include a review of neuroscience and the modern technologies used for mapping and adjusting activity within the central nervous system. Both endogenous and exogenous methods for self-inquiry and self-regulation will be reviewed in order to shape thought, physiology, attention, and behavior. This book is designed for readers who are interested in an introduction to the field of philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, and the practical applications of these fields of inquiry.
The publication also briefly reviews theories on Integral Spirituality as related to the work of Ken Wilber. The theory promotes full respect for people from all faiths and traditions. There are many thought leaders who could probably comment on the subject in more detail and to a far greater extent than to that which was addressed in this publication.


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About the Author

Erik A. Lenderman, raised Jewish and Catholic, was brought up to respect and care for all people of all backgrounds. He is the published author of 'Principles of Practical Psychology' and 'Human Capital Management' [Pre-Release] with readers from 126 countries around the world.
The first publication, 'Principles of Practical Psychology' is primarily focused upon providing readers with a brief review of Western philosophy and psychology. This publication also addresses Eastern thought as related to psychology and provides the reader with several theories with which to familiarize themselves. Theories in philosophy include those of Plato, Socrates, Plotinus, Popper, Whitehead, and others. Psychological theorists include Freud, Jung, Assagioli, Skinner, Wilber, and several more. This publication also provides readers with a brief review of practical applications for these theories in order to promote self inquiry and self regulation. Therefore, this work will review brain mapping, heart rate variability, psychological assessment, and other critical tools for personal growth and development.
The second publication, 'Human Capital Management' provides readers with a review of theories in Human Capital Management, Organizational Psychology, Economics, and Compliance. Those executives who are interested in the subject may secure a copy of this publication in order to learn about HR, Business Management, and the way in which the Global Economy may impact operations. This work also provides executives with an opportunity to leverage the 'Principles of Practical Psychology' for 'Human Capital Management'. Through integrating Industrial and Organizational (I/O) psychology, corporations may enhance productivity, profit, and worker engagement. Therefore, readers are encouraged to begin with the 'Principles of Practical Psychology' and next proceed with 'Human Capital Management' if they would like a comprehensive review of each subject.
To learn more about Erik Lenderman, please visit his publications on Amazon.
