My Relationship With the Devil Redefined My Life
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My Relationship With the Devil Redefined My Life

philosophical essays (Free motivational books Book 2)
Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Today i believe that the meaning of life is to experience it ... and to understand from all those experiences what is all about. All it looks bad ... ugly ... related almost with the Devil ... are actually episodes that teach us powerful messages that we could simple define as ... lessons of life.
But what if all those episodes keep appearing all the time ... on and on and on?!
What if everything looks so damm negative in what we name life ... that you could almost say that Devil is always present on your timeline?!
Is it anything we could do?!
Is it enough to go to the church and blame the Devil?!
But maybe the Devils are the people from your life ... the ones that you decided to spend your life with
... or even worst ... the Devil is ... YOU.
You see ... going back in time, if we should analyze the concepts of the evil and also the one with the devil ... we should see that it’s all about abstract concepts ... and that the Devil itself is not a person, but the way we act in an evil way ... in certain moments of life.
We just mix all those concepts and created the image of a powerful entity that we believe it can dominates us is a very, very ugly way ... but maybe is time to redefine that concept.
We all know that we have a dark, but also a beautiful side ... and many times we know to control both sides ... but not always.


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About the Author

I’ve started to write my first book at 16 … but then … realizing i could not publish it … i’ve abandoned the idea of being a … writer.
20 years later … i’ve started to write again … believing i will finally succeed … but i’ve failed one more time … not getting the success i was chasing for.
Another 5 years later … i’ve started one more time to write … but this time … more as a therapy.
It’s what i’ve defined as … self therapy.
I was analyzing and defining lots of weird ideas … that were a lot related to me … and my own soul.
I totally forgot that i was chasing for success.
I was simple writing my thoughts … in essays … becoming this way … maybe not a writer …. but what many define as … an essayist.
This is not a poet … and not a writer.
Or maybe is kind of a poet that is incapable of writing poetry … but is still expressing his thoughts … into a similar way … as a poet.
And is not a writer … cause have not the ability to write for too long time … about the same subject.
But maybe i am not an essayist… either.
I am just an ordinary person … that could be better defined … as a thinker.
Analyzing … and defining my life … practicing this process called … self therapy … i started to understand life … and the way to better paths which i should follow.
And i’ve wrote … and wrote … and wrote … realizing one day that i’ve published tens of books …. not really understanding how the hell I’ve succeeded doing that.
Today i dare to recommend writing … as a therapy.
I could even say … it’s a simple way of understanding who we are … but also a process that could help us … heal our souls.
I personally continue to … write.
It’s in fact … a non ending story that … at least for myself … will probably continue for the rest of my life.
But over all … i am glad … i am doing it.
I continue my philosophical journey … not being able to define myself for clear as a writer or an essayist… but …
Well …. most probably… i am on a good path.
And … i would dare to recommend to everyone … all what i am doing today.
